Well, first off, thank you all for the wonderful, encouraging comments. I am sorry for not being able to write last night. We got back to the compound late because we delivered mattresses to a poor family with three kids who were all sleeping on hard cement. The family we delivered to had no idea about it, which made the whole thing even more memorable. The father was over excited and completely filled with joyfullness and gratitude. The mother is mute but her eyes could tell us more than words ever could. The kids were extremely happy and we gave the boys a soccerball, which made them smile. Hatians' smiles are smiles from the soul.
          Today, we spent the morning distrubiting to families. We all spent a lot of time working on bags for 318 families. I am glad to say it was a success. After the disturbation, we went to fix a well. At the well, I met a Hatian boy. After talking to him for about fifteen minutes, he proposed to marry me. I guess you can call me mrs.Irrestibible. 
           I saw two albinos on this trip so far. It broke my heart because I do not see how their skin and eyes can last throughout this heat; and by the looks of it, they were not exactly lasting. One albino girl was nearly blind and living in severe poverty. So, if everyone can pray for these albino haitians, I can guarntee a special spot in Heaven for you. 
           In the afternoon, we went open a well in memory of my grandpa, Ronny Sternfels. The people of the area were filled with so much happiness that they prepared a huge festive for us. We went to a long mass with the bishop and plenty of speeches of gratitude and thanks from the people. They sat us on the alter and introduced us indivually. The entire mass will be on Haitian television. After that they put on a parade and even planted a tree. They then supplied a huge feast for us with their finist meals. They did all of this for us just for opening a water well.
I just wish more people could experience this. I can feel his trip molding me into a better person. God bless you all. 
faie duplantis
4/13/2012 05:52:39 pm

I'm so glad to see how this trip has been affecting you. When we help others through the grace of God, we are often rewarded by experiencing joy in our souls (which evidently you have been given). Can't wait to see the smiles on your faces when you return.


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