Well first thing this morning we went to mass and Father Joe mad a wonderful homily as always. Then I went down the road to help paint the school. After Joseph handed me a paint stick that he put together himself. I was painting the roof and the brush came off the stick and fell on my head and covered me in paint. The kids that were watching thought it was halarious. After that incident I attempted to paint again and the same exact thing happened the kids still thought it was halarious. After I gave up on painting I helped all the children wash there feet off at the water well near the school. It breaks my heart to see there unbeleivebly dirty feet that have no shoes while walking through rocks and hills. For majority of the day Emma and I entertained the children we taught them how to play down by the river, gave them ballons, and gave them peperments and picked up litter with them. Today we finished up the bagging for the distribution. The people at the distribution were so happy and grateful. i would like to thank everyone for there comments we can't figure out how to reply but please keep commenting we look forward to it.
                                                                                                                   God Bless, Therese
Aunt maggie
4/11/2012 12:04:54 pm

Therese, I can picture you with paint all over your head and the joy it brought the children watching😄😄 what an appropriate time for you to wash others' feet. Just as Jesus did! I love reading about y'all days. Love and prayers!!🙏

4/11/2012 12:20:20 pm

Haha I can imagine that!!😊
I miss you so much!!
Those kids love you making them laugh
Keep up the hard work

Lucy Dupont and MaMa. G
4/11/2012 12:40:13 pm

Dear Joseph, Emma, and Therese, We were moved as we read about your experiences. It is obvious that you are giving and receiving much love. You are in our daily prayers. Darryl, so happy to hear about the success of the pump!! Tina, we are enjoying Patrick! He's doing great. Much love to you all, MaMa G. and Lucy


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