I saw several sights today that has moved me to tears. I have never witnessed such destruction of human lives. So many lost hopes filled with misery that made myself miserable. Today, Father Joe took my cousin Therese and I to visit the hectic town of Jeremie. On the way there, we went through mountains to drop off a friend. I saw people living in shacks, tents, and run down houses. I also witnessed small children wearing rags and sweaty men working in fields with not even a drop of water to keep them going. I am amazed by the motivation of these people to continue their lives each day. After we dropped off our friend, Father picked up a concerned woman to bring her to the hospital. She had to go to the hospital because her mother has diabtetes and is severly ill. It worried me how she lives lives so far away from the hospital when she has no vehicle or good way of transportation to get there. While we were in Jeremie, Father had to get out of the car to run an errand. Therese and I were waiting in the car when we notice a young boy who was by himself wearing a ripped, oversized tshirt. He was very skinny and was obviously starving. We didn't have food so I gave him two dollars. With tearful eyes, he told me "merci." We saw him later in town eating bread, which was how he spent the money. He flashed us a huge smile and waved at us which moved Therese and I considering his situation. I will never forget the face of that little boy and I hope and I pray that he experiences life how it should be some day. If I wrote about everything I experienced today, I would be here for hours. So I must go but I cannot wait to write about the new adventures I will be in tomorrow.
                                                                  -Emma Chauvin
Miss Melanie
4/10/2012 08:59:29 pm

Emma,you are doing God's work, using your hands as His hands, your smile as His smile, and your eyes of love to these children are His eyes. This is a beautiful gift He has given to you! God be with you and bless you.

4/11/2012 03:40:47 am

Emma, I am so proud of you for sharing God's love with your smiles, generosity, and compassion. I'm sure its not easy seeing first hand starving and oppressed people. Keep up the great work and continue to keep us posted. Love you Always....Mom

Julie and Sannie
4/11/2012 07:22:13 am

Emma this is Julie
I never got to tell you goodbye but I love you and am happy about which your doing.

Miss you love you hope the experience is good.

4/13/2012 02:19:23 am

Emma I love reading your thoughts each day as well as your cousins
Love dad they have moved me


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